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Have you got a jewellery workshop or are you dealing in Jewellery luxury business? How can you be sure that your company is ok with smart tools needed to face the new challenges arising after Coronavirus time?


Today DiValenza, the goldsmith mark which gathers the goldsmitery companies settled in the gold district of Valenza (AL) ITALY, will explain you all details about that.  What can you do to improve what is needed by your jewellery company and by your employees to get the best from digital tools during this #stayathome time and later on in the future?  


Surfing in the net DiValenza came across “Smart Working Index”.


What’s that ? It is an interactive questionnaire of 26 items that indicate how ready your company is to introduce the Smart Working procedure. Smart Working Index calculates the mean rate for each area of the Smart Working intervention (economy, norms, corporate culture and organization) and gives you back tips on how to improve your readiness level, while showing you your digital lacks.


Do you want to know whether you are ready to undertake the new digital challenges ?


Have a look at smart Working Index, a free online tool developed by Variazioni in collaboration with Microsoft: It’s an easy and fast testing tool to point out the strengths and weaknesses of your company.


Don’t forget that smart working is going to be the key factor to get successful goal in the business of the future. Actually it’s an important task for every company leaders to have a clear picture of their company knowledge, capacity and the resource to be count on it.


If you want to start your free digital try click on: