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A lot it has been written about the history of Valenza and about its social and political ups and down. It’s all largely related to its geographical location which made the town of Valenza to be a borderline land all over the south of Europe and for that reason, certainly, exposed to a lots unalike dominances. Since the Middle Ages, the Po river (which goes through Valenza), at the confluence of its branches, has been a source of attraction for the mythical gold diggers who, like in a ‘Gold rush’ cinema-like set, also sieved the sands looking for gold nuggets. But actually, the gold of the town of Valenza was not to be found underground, not even on the riverbed, but in the hands of men and women who were born in that land. One of those fellows loved so much Valenza that after travelling to America to try his luck, went back hometown: Vincenzo Morosetti the name of that proud man that once he was abroad (US) got the knowledge of the goldsmithery art, in 1843 – when he was barely thirty – kicked of his small workshop in Valenza. It’s beginning from this small workshop that the history of Valenza become reality and got started as a busy and hardworking goldsmith district.

Valenza is a small town in an Italian shire named Piemonte where the most important and prestigious international high jewelry production units were born and still today are established here. It’s the district where this kind of artisanal goldsmith's art was born and equally has settled since the beginning of the 19th century, making this little town a real industrial jewelry district. Goldsmiths and stone setters are born here, then they become master ones, after that they opened their own workshops that progressively focuses finding their own personality. How can we tell almost two centuries of history and allow such a past to be and live with the deserved recognition? Valenza is unique, as its history is unique, its deep handcraft experience, the items of fine jewelry that goes hand-realized with precious specially cut stones on them.

An unbelievable reality is still focusing in the town of Valenza. Valenza is a really beloved little village, where the handmade trend related to a detailed care on hand working becomes an exciting business. All that has always been the union between the idea of what is meant by ‘heritage’ and by ‘technology’, still handcrafting stunning masterpieces which involve thousands of hours of work at the goldsmith desk; all that alongside thousands of experienced actions that represent themselves the excellence and the goldsmiths’ desire to handcraft "The fine jewelry" with their own hands. Many scholars’ name that came out from Morosetti's workshop gave rise to a long line of artisans who have handed down the goldsmithey art from generation to generation.

The expansion and development of goldsmithery are closely connected to the social changes that came on in the post-war period and which find its reason and nourishment by the progress that, little by little, leads people to look at the future through a good outlook along with the idea of greater well-being. Valenza, from an almost rural town, which grew first with spinning mills and then with the footwear industry, quickly gets twenty thousand inhabitants with the spread of goldsmith corporations.

To manage with the growing needs of skilled workers, in 1950 the professional school and the first department of gemological testing was born in Valenza, as for teaching the first knowledge lessons to the young people who wished to work in goldsmithery sector. This way, that young people join the labour market and the real and full training goldsmith course takes place "on the job". The desire to learn the skills of the old goldsmiths and stone-setters, both men and women, taught and spread from father to son, from mother to daughter, from generation to generation. Each gold craftsman always develops and work on the "style" of its concern in which represents today as in the past, a mark of authenticity and undoubted originality.

In 1959 the permanent exhibition show on fine jewelry was born, addressed to the operators of the gold sector and sample set of jewels handcrafted in the district of Valenza, crosses the Italian borders and those ones of Europe. The high quality of jewels handcrafted in Valenza become an spur for other Countries to develop their gold production; competition becomes stronger and technology pays the changing on production system. The unavoidable and physiological race can only be a fillip to get more and more advanced skills, without dirtying what it has always been the native soul of the first gold artisans settled in town of Valenza.

"Creativeness" and "belonging to MADE IN ITALY heritage", is not just slogan ending in itself but it means that jewels are crafted by hands and that this hand-process has carried out in Italy; that all means to take care of every detail and whenever a skill is not properly perfected, its flaw can be overcome by a new creative solution. In October 1978, the first goldsmithery exhibition was held in Valenza, (“Mostra Orafa” its name) which became a classic to be imitated by other goldsmith districts. Actually, there is no Country all over the world which does not have an happening offered to jewelry sectors and everyone aims at having companies from Valenza among their exhibitors.